(Western Cape)


The wreck lies in shallow water (about 3.5 m) The area is fine sand with some low sandstone reef to the South. The wood structure of the wreck has become very overgrown over the years and is not easily recognisable over large areas The wreck lies approximately parallel to the shoreline. The centreline of the debris field is nearly North/South True, from S34°11.012’ E018°25.558’ to S34°10.985’ E018°25.561’, It is about 50 m long, 8 m wide and it extends over an area of about 400 m2. There is a large mass of corroded iron at S34°11.008’ E018°25.552’, and some copper sheathing at the north end of the wreckage

These areas are situated along the South African Coast and are accessible to the public and are known dive locations to the locals from in and around the area, please respect their local fauna and flora, remember limit your catch and don’t catch your limit.