North Coast, Seabelle`s to Peace Cottage


Park in the car park at the Seabelle hotel which is reached by taking the La Mercy turn-off straight after the Umdloti river bridge. Follow the road round under the highway and northwards until you reach the hotel. The reefs are slightly south of the hotel off the old launch site. They start in 8m and go out to 20m+. The 15m+ stretch is very good for cuda during the run.


View of Selection from the beach
Take Umdloti turn-off 30km north of Durban. There are 4 main areas here. Rivermouth reef is off the Umdloti river mouth in 18m and is a big pinnacle with deep caves which attracts a lot of reef fish. Chain pool area is off the chain pool where the life guard tower is. It consists of scattered reef starting just outside the chain pool and going out into 20m+. Turning circle reef is off the petrol station in 18m+ and is made up of scattered reef over a large area. There are some good fish ledges here. Inshore on the shark nets there are some pinnacles in 13m that can be worth a look. Selection reef is last. Follow south beach road to `Waterfront` development on the site of the old Selection hotel. The reef is slightly south where the waves break on a large submerged rock that breaks the surface at low tide. On the outside of this there is a large area of scattered reef in 6m that is very good for snoek and garrick.

Peace Cottage

Peace cottage
Take Umdloti turn-off and go to the end of south beach road. Walk south to next rocky point, approximately 2km. The reef runs at a N.E. angle out to sea from the shore ending in 15m. Further out to sea and northwards there is some 23m reef consisting of low ledges that attracts a lot of fish. There is a resident shoal of sea pike that patrol the 15m reef, all big ones up to 13kg. The inshore reef is good for snoek with the white water area being a good spot for brusher.